We've come to hug.

May 19, 2007 10:22

I watched Supernatural ALL night last night. Now I've seen up to "Croatoan."

1. LOLOL Sammy watching Skinemax = best thing ever. I remember when that episode aired and you guys all freaked out XD

2. I was sure Meg Jo was going to be their long lost sister, and not the daughter of some guy Daddy Winchester got killed. She irks me, that girl. Don't know why.

3. I love that they had an episode in Philly!!! WOO! I wish they would have gone for cheeseteaks or something haha.

4. I am really loving this whole Sam-as-psychic storyline, especially when he meets other kids like him. Like that dude with the omgwtf polar bear van? LOL that guy was awesome, although the whole evil twin thing was ridic.

5. The random guest actors they have on this show are so amazingly terrible!! Lost has spoiled me, I think. Even flashback people on that show don't suck. But these people are hilarious. Like the doctor in Croatoan?? HAHAHA Worst. Emoting. Ever. Even Linda Blair was horrible.

6. Dean, Dean, Dean. He wears angst well. Although I wish Sam would stop trying to be so Dr. Phil all the time. I'm a LOT like Dean in my own life, and I know people that are like Sam, and it's horribly annoying.

7. I also watched the one about the black dogs and the only thing I could think of was Trelwaney saying, "...THE GRIM!"

8. But seriously how do you have a show with a soundtrack like this one and NOT play Clapton's "Crossroads" in the episode called "Crossroad Blues?" Maybe royalties were too high or something? Bullshit.

9. And I love in "The Usual Suspects" how both brothers kept saying all the same stuff, even though they were separated hahaha.

10. Even though they are always obvious, I'm glad the moment I think of a pop culture reference when something on the show happens, Dean always says it haha. Like with that Dana Shulps thing, I thought "All work and no play..." and before I could even finish my thought Dean was saying it LOL and when they were talking about Ectoplasm he was like "It's the Stay Puft marshmallow man!" HAHAHA (And I loved in that older episode with the two geeks who were "ghost hunters" that one of them was named after Dr. Egon Spengler. So awesome.)

I'm pretty sure I'll have watched all the rest of Season 2 by tomorrow night. Just in time for the summer break ;_; lol nice timing, Rach.

Today I'm going to Old Navy to buy some much-needed clothes, and then I'm taking my mom to Cold Stone Creamery (aka The Best Place Ever Invented) as a late Mother's Day gift. It isn't much, but I'm broke and we love ice cream. A lot. XD

Oh and mellafe, your scarf is now about 4 feet long, and I'm trying to get it finished this weekend!! &hearts

real life, knitting, supernatural, mom

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