Yes is the answer and you know that for sure

Apr 17, 2007 21:04


There is a new Office icon challenge community and it's going to be really fun! Check it out!

extra_awesome extra_awesome (As in Awesome Blossom, extra awesome) haha.

So go check it out and join! Even if you don't want to make icons, you can always friend it and vote every week.

Knitters: Just LOOK at this amazingly awesome shawl. I am so impressed. It makes me want to attempt it (I have the book the pattern comes from), but then I remember that I don't have the patience to make a gigantic shawl, and I swore after I made The Lace Monstrocity I wouldn't make any lace bigger than a doily forever. It's just...too...much. Haha.

Ongoing Lost post tomorrow night, kids. Join us. You won't be sorry. Especially all of you lurkers out there. I know you're there. A few people delurked last week and it was awesome! We won't bite, I promise :D We always love new people to come and snark with us.

For some reason "Mind Games" is making me all squidgy inside tonight. Poor John Lennon. I often wonder what he'd be doing now if he hadn't been killed. I'd like to think he wouldn't be some puffed up sell out like certain...other Beatles are. LOL.

How are you, my lovelies?

ETA: Okay so I know House is totally far-fetched, but how the hell do they get into every single patient's house every single week?? Do they break in? I mean, seriously. So silly.


beatles, lost, house, icons, knitting

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