
Mar 31, 2007 22:52

I honestly never, ever thought I would say this, but I think I might already like Martha more than Rose!!!

She is older and smarter and she's like a geek! I LOVE HER! And she is ridiculously adorable. And her family is awesome. And this is going to be a great season YAY.

David Tenant's hair was MADE OF SEX. LORD. And the Converse? And the barefoot on the moon? I adore that man. And wow so he already kissed her in the first episode haha. It feels like maybe these two might actually...ya know. Space!sex ftw.

Wow I seriously never thought I would like Martha so much! I mean I will miss Rose, I love her too, but I think it's that Martha seems to be a big nerd about all of it. And that is something I can totally relate too :D

dr who

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