Yeah yeah, BOYS!

Feb 25, 2007 12:47

MY PHOTOBUCKET ACCOUNT IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After waiting almost a month, my Photobucket account is back and you know what that means, kids. MANSPAM OF EPIC PROPORTIONS.


Aaron Douglas, Michael Trucco, and Tahmoh Penikett last weekend, proving that yes, we could love them a little bit more.

New Bambers from dryope!!! WHY IS HE SO ADORABLE?? (Even while wearing a sequin shirt, wtf?)

And we can't forget Mr. Callis.

David Tennant being all foxy and stylish.

Billie Piper being all foxy and stylish.

David and Billie together being absolutely adorable.

Hi I'm Ian Cusick and I'm super sexay, brothah.

I'm Jack Davenport and I know how to rock a beard.

This is a promo for next week's Lost. Has he ever resembled the Cowardly Lion MORE?? I want to squeeze his cheeks.

Steve Carell. Is. Adorable.

In fact, the whole Office cast is kind of adorable.

I mean, how can you not love this guy?

And let's not forget this guy.

Who can also rock a beard and should do so WAY more often.

And let's throw in some Leo because it's Oscar night...

And no manspam is complete without some Josh:

And some Dom:

And come to think of it, all the LOTR boys:


And some Jake:

This one makes me want to do an entire Boys Leaning spam. Mmmmm.

And finally: THIS WEEK IN JEARS!!!

picspam, hic, johnny kras, hawt, bsg, lotr, lost, jake, dom, beards, jears, leo, doctor who, josh holloway, the office

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