hp_fridayfive. DO EEET!
2. I for the life of me cannot understand these Jim/Karen shippers popping up all over the place. DO THEY NOT REMEMBER THE JAM? (As in, the delicious Jim and Pam, and not the post punk band from the late 70's?) If you are one of these Jim/Karen people, I don't hate you or anything. I am just confused. And there are all the Pam & Roy people too. NO SENSE I TELL YOU.
We may need to have another JAM-boree, kids. We need to gather the forces.
And speaking of The Office, the
Producer's Cut of last night's show is up. I've only seen the first part so far, but they've added a TON. So awesome.
3. The LJ Matchmaker will hopefully be up by this evening. I have a lot of matching to do LOL. I need to grab my babushka and some borscht and get it done big time. *dances the hora*
4. I really want to see Stranger Than Fiction. A lot.