As I am not in the mood to get all obsessive over grammar and sentence structure right now so...
- Had a nice table tennis game with shpoink this evening...then celebrated my first "workout" in a long time with none other thaaaannn...cheesy-licious soft tacos.
- A nice theory my sister came up with about that last Veronica Mars episode : Meg is pregnant with Duncan's child! It is for this reason that he keeps visiting Meg, and it is this that will most probably lead to his break-up with Veronica! Last season's events kind of shows Duncan is not in love with Meg, yet now we see Duncan bringing Meg flowers. And her parents going let's-pull-the-plug and we-don't-want-to-see-you-here -- withdrawing the life support from Meg would actually take care of their "image" problems in the "perfect" town of Neptune. Makes perfect sense! (Note: I have never liked Meg, so I'll admit this theory reeks of prejudice.)
- Might be going to Bangkok next month! Bangkok = shopping galore! Yay!!! :)
- A certain phone call (which wasn't even for me -- long story) reminded me (yet again) that I MUST drop by the university soon and look through graduate programs.
- I recently acquired something which I should really enter in the worst-sweater-ever competition.
...And though you may not believe it, I still really do lack sleep.