(no subject)

Jan 29, 2005 17:23

Yeah so its been some time

So the whole clock deal. Megan helped out, as she said she would... we used her credit card to get ot from amazon.com and i just gave her the money for it, well i still owe her..10 dollars. BUT, we found what i thought was the clock for 30 dollars, instead of 70. I got it today...no CD PLAYER! my fault. i didnt read the description right. Whatever, i'll jus return it get my money back, and when my mom founds out i broke my clock, then so be it. Im not five. I refuse to run from her. Plus i need that money for peoples birthdays that arecoming up. AND...i found that movie ticket that i lost, so my mom will get my money out of the bank for me tomorrow.
Last week took way too long. But it's over. I moved to alg 3, with megan =) and i sit right next to vanessa. NOT A GOOD THING. i mean it is, but for both of our grades and citizenship its not. haha who cares...probably only Mrs Graves. PSH. Our seats got moved in ECON, and vanessa sits on one side of me, lindsay on the other, katie behind me, and summer right behind vanessa...it really couldnt be any better.

Last night we all went to claim jumpers, had a kick as waiter, and then went to see hide and seek
It was REALLY good. Like i haven't seen a good movie in the theaters like that in so long. I loved every part of it. MAN! It's definitly near the top of my list. and aremy friends kick as or what.
I laughed so damn last night. H O L Y shit

Thats pretty much it, im going through some stuff, but who isn't right?

life is a constant struggle,( for everyone ) but, with each day that passes, i take into account more and more the beautiful people that surround my life. LIKE HOLY SHIT...its really insane.

I'm really naive.
Just to let you know.
Easily taken advantage of.
But thats fine, i'm sure i wouldnt know as many great people as i do,
if i didnt take so many chances with certain people as i do,
its so funny, this person would never figure out i'm talking about them

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