The other day, I said that lobbying was having a very strong effect on the bailout legislation. Someone called this conspiracy theory.
From Politico, According to the center, House members who supported the bailout received 51 percent more in campaign contributions from the finance, insurance and real estate sectors since the 1990 election than
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What I call conspiracy theory is the video that you first posted. It's full of these threatening quotes from presidents, generals, and bankers all suggesting a vast conspiracy of powerful greedy bankers using their influence to manipulate our financial system for their own benefit. Of course, there is some truth to the video. Even at some point I was worried, but then I realized I had seen it all before. I had seen the "New World Order" ID card. I had seen those same quotes before on YouTube in a "documentary" called Zeitgest, and I had heard it all before listening to Alex Jones (owner of on Austin Time Warner's Citizen's TV Channel. Here is a nice Wikipedia page that sums it up nicely
In fact, just go to the link you posted on YouTube, and start clicking some of the related links, and see how many links you have to click away before you start seeing videos ranting about everything mentioned in the Wiki article.
On the other hand, if you want to believe that the Illumanti, Skull And Bones, Freemasons, Catholic Church, Knights Templar, Bilderburg Group, ..., are all secretly trying to enslave the world, that they caused 9/11, and that the UN, European Union, NAFTA, etc., are all just different ways for them to create their New World Order and finally rule the world, be my guest. In this case, you should get a copy of Atlas Shrugged, since apparently that is their secret manual for conducting the revolution. I'd just point out, if they have that much control secretly then how does anyone know about it? Why don't they just make Alex Jones, or one of his fellow nutters just disappear? Why would they want to eliminate national boundaries and openly rule the world, when they apparently exert so much power secretly.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
As to the system being broken it really isn't. Here is an analogy. Suppose you are driving along and you see a horrific car wreck. Do you declare cars as broken, and sell yours? Does the government ban cars? No. They pass new safety laws, and step up enforcement of existing laws. It's the same thing here. The economy was screaming along at high speeds with people dangerously weaving in and out of traffic, ignoring laws and common sense. Worse the cops apparently turned off their radars and weren't even trying to keep order. Many of the drivers didn't even have the experience to even to be expected to drive safely, but they got cars anyways. Everybody was happy, but someone stomped on their brakes and we have a massive pileup to clean up after.
If you don't already, you should listen to NPR. They have a great show Marketplace that airs small reports starting at 5:50 am, and at the end of the hour after that until I think about 9. Then at 6:30 pm they have a longer show. They have non-emotional reports and discussions of the issues; in fact, they have been talking about this for months, while the mainstream media is just picking up on it.
Bottom line is focus on your life. You're in a good spot. You can ride this out at UT, and hopefully about the same time you are graduating with a better degree things will be better.
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