Stun gun

Jun 09, 2007 03:39

People kept hinting at me that I should ask this girl out. "She's not dating anyone," they kept saying meaningfully. She was actually a very pretty girl and it was flattering, but after two or three rounds of this, I got tired of making excuses for the reason I didn't want to speak.

"Well, maybe I was dating someone. Maybe the last person I was dating is dead."

A stunned silence. Faces staring at me--not sure if I'm simply making some sick joke.

"Yes, that's right, I graduated from Virginia Tech four or five weeks ago, and it's been really hard," I said.

Why the fuck did I say that? They all felt awful. They hadn't meant anything by it.

The worst part is I stormed off toward the back entrance, got there, and realized I didn't have my key. So I had to walk back through all of them, apologizing (which, to be fair, they deserved), in order to get to the unlocked entrance.

I was having a good time. Why did I have to say that? How can I ever apologize, make it okay again? They don't deserve to feel bad, they did nothing wrong.

pearl, maxine, austin

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