i hate my name

Jan 15, 2007 18:17

too bored to go outside to be alone
too bored inside with the crowd
too bored to keep this going
need a change, again, one more
i said it before, i know
but i have changed, myself and my style
my situations the same though
if you consider discontent a situation
it's not the girl, it's not the friends
it's me, i think
i've been stolen from by friends
i've been lied to
i've been controlled
i've been, in a nutshell, taken advantage of
by many facets of my existence
the critics will be nameless, sure
say i'm a fuckup
an addict
you don't know me, and you say i don't try
but you don't try either
judges don't just become
they are chosen
i'm rehabilitated and lying i guess
but i know right and wrong
truth and lying
asleep and strung out
seeing with eyes closed
and with them open
i know more than you ever will about life

why can't it just me summer'06 again where we just hung out on the porch all the time and drank and had fun and met new people and made art and sounds and learned from each other?
now it's like mirrors facing mirrors and nothing in between but.. a television... and repetition... and repetition... goodnighttoday
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