(no subject)

Dec 09, 2003 21:04

Tonight was great. I went to target and to the mall
with amber and her momma. In target there
were these mexican guys tryin to holler, it was so weak.
i was like Ai pappi and they were like OOOoO! hey mami.
then i ran lol. I stole this SWEET ass pen from there,
it looks like its a back to the future pen or somethin.
Its great. Then we went to greenbriar and i found
this really cute dress that im gonna wear to ring dance.
Its great. Its really short, and its black with pink
lookin things goin down it, i LOVE it! and i stole some
cute underware from there, and a gumby shirt from hects.
and a cute ring from claires, and hmmm i think thats it?
so im happy. ambers mom is a trip to, i love that
women. she was tellin us about how she saw matt bugarian
in the mall and he stole the japanese guys hat who
was given out free samples, n she said the japenese guy
looked like he was about to cry, n he was all chasin matt.
it was weak.

Then i came home and showed amber my new tile in my
kitchen, its pimp. Our kitchen looks like somethin
from the jetsons now with our chrome fridge n shit. yee

Greg and ty called me. Ty sounds so different, its weird.
I'm gonna go chill with them on saturday night. Hopefully
they wont be all drunk, cuz ty said thats all they do.
and idont drink... that much. But i dont think i will so
oh well, hopefully they got some mary jane for me : D
muahahah. wellllll im out for tonight, got school inthe
AM! arg.

OH! and i forgot to say, to the dumb bitch who is
tryin to steal my friends boyfriend. YOUR FUCKIN WITH
THE WRONG PEOPLE. now u kno how fuckin much in love they
are and ur gonna go fuck it up all cuz ur a selfish easy
bitch. WELL LISTEN HERE WHORE, u got whats comin to u
and dont be surprised when it happens either! and i dont
think YOUR boyfriend will be to fond of u talkin to him
either now do you. Just watch out cuz im lookin for ur
ass . dont fuck with my friends. i take
that WaY personal. Learn to keep your legs closed and
a piece of that EASY ass, and we all know he will get it. but
what happens after that, u think hes gonna stay with you?! they
are in L-O-V-E, i dont know if u understand what that is
but u dont fuck with it. How low can someone get? PUSSY BITCH!
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