Mar 15, 2006 23:29
--Too Random for You--
01. Do you have a friend whose last name is Smith? Yes. Frank Smith it is !!!
02. Are your top 8 for Myspace in the order you like the people? Dont know, did not think of it when i kept it like that... what a fucking stupid question... put me on a spot you bitch
03. What picture is on the calendar closest to you? Some weird abstract house.
04. Is your Math teacher Hispanic? No, One is Indian, and one is white !
05. What color is the background of your AIM profile? Default
06. If you had to paint 3 friends any 3 colors, what friends and colors would they be?.
I dont know, cant think
07. Go on the Internet and on the history from 2 days ago. What is the 4th website? (I cant believe I just did that)
08. When was the last time that you picked a flower? Never done it
09. Would you ever consider pretending to be blind so people would help you? Why should I
10. Have you ever sung the llama song from dont think so
11. Who is your prettiest neighbor? Oh my god, this girl amshu is pretty, but then this sisters achal and abhilasha are cute too... (well i was talking about back home in nepal neighbors stuff)
12. How many planets would you like to visit? All, can you ask galaxies ?
13. What do you like on your hamburgers? I dont eat hamburgers
14. What is one animal you think the world would be a better place without? Like its gonna make a difference, and even if it did i would not want to fuck up the ecosystem.
15. Does the number 47 have any significant value to you? Nope, 17 is , if you wanna know
16. What street does your best friend live on? one lives in Ose street... one of my best fren from nepal lives in the freak street. now how cool is that ???
17. About how many pairs of scissors are in your house? in my room, one.
18. Do you prefer apple juice or orange juice? apple
19. What was the last state you visited? does DC count? masachusettes
20. What does your Dad do? He has some fancy high class job with the UN.
21. What was the last thing that scared you? i dont remember
22. Does your brother like techno music? dont have a brother.
23. What is the first French word that comes to your mind? nuthin.
24. When was the last time you watched The Simpsons? like sunday.
25. What is one thing you believe in that many other people don't? cigarette after
26.What was the last kind of fish you ate? dont know, does spicy tuna in sushi count ?
27. Would you ever consider becoming vegan? FUCK NO !!!!
28. Do happy blobs entertain you? whats that ?
29. How many of your friends act blonde? hahahaha
30. Why do you or don't you like Mrs. PacMan? who is Mrs. PacMan ??