So, I now have three days of fics to post, starting tomorrow. I was going for one a day, but everything got away from me a little. Blah *curses paperwork and lost paperwork even more* But hey, I did bring recs of the SPN variety. Achingly beautiful writers in this fandom. ZOMG, the fics I keep coming across are just fuckingamazing. I cannot say enough good things.
(range from gen to angst to wincest and every one of them is just. damn. good.)
Independence by
Swings and Roundabouts by
Rapid Hope Loss by
Be Good by
Lessons by
mmarinov (this one's WIP)
Back to Good by
In the Absence of Miracles by
nixa_jane eta 1:
note to self: family is a bitch. and putting my fist in her&his face is not an option. yes, kicking someone's a$$ is not considered nice. but of course the question is, do i want to be nice?
eta 2:
rumil_minyatur is teh love *massive hugs and thanks doll*