
Apr 29, 2011 21:33

"Mommy Dearest"

'Heaven must be missing an angel' SRSLY. That's what you went with? Oh honey, you have no idea who you just fucked with.

Dude. Y'all are in so much trouble. No. Really. SO FUCKED UP. SO. FUCKED.

Though I'm sort of loving Eve more and more.

Mmmmmm, you loading bullets makes me incredibly hot. Thank you Dean.

This stuff is supposed to burn the bejeesus out of Eve...



L: It's her voice, in our heads. What it does to us...

Um. Grant's Pass? That is such a randomly random place for the Mother of all Evil.

L: You have to. Please.

C: We needed to move this along.


Um. So Cas can't go all

D: So what, mom's making you limp?
C: Figuratively, yes.
D: ...you're just a baby in a trenchcoat.

'I have a painful burning sensation.' *falls off bed* ILU Cas. Oh Misha, I can only imagine how many takes y'all went through with that.

Dude I would not go around touching blood drops if I were you. Not in that town.

Ah fuck. I hate when they involve kids :/


B: Just hurry, idjit.

C: I'm fairly unpracticed with firearms.
D: You know who whines? Babies.

Um, W.T.F.?!

You two are really sucky liars. Not gonna die? Oh I don't think anyone believes that shit >_>  ...and just so you know, y'all probably shouldn't be in there. Breathing shifter!virus air or whatthehellever. Just. Sayin.

That is a whole lotta dead people.

D: What, so Eve's makin' hybrids now?

B: Congrats, you discovered em, so you get to name em. [So... wasn't that a line from Tremors?]
D: Jefferson Starships. Because - they're horrible and hard to kill.
S: Fine. But why are all the Starships dead?

S: *looks @ surveillance* *headchecks cop* Jefferson Starships!

Hey look it's the jail from Jus in Bello! And kids!

Oh Sammy, do not fall for the cute kids. DO NOT FALL FOR THE CUTE KIDS.

Dude. Do you see the way Cas is looking at him. With the angelic version of puppy eyes. Sorry honey, you just ain't Sam I guess.

Awwww, so adorable and Winchesterish. But you know those two are gonna like vamp out on em or something.


Um, So now they're probably gonna vamp out on the uncle or some shit and Sam & Dean just let two mini Jefferson Starships loose on the rest of the place.

B: Then tell the bitch to come get me.

Holy fuck what the hell did he do in there O_O Don't think I wanna know right now. Going to hang onto my Cas!naivete a bit longer, kthnx.

6x19, www

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