Let's rename it The Tony Show

Oct 05, 2010 21:01


"Short Fuse"

TONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'The new face of NCIS' Oh yeah.

The shade removal XD

Jimmy: You wearing makeup?

Hey, don't we know that chick...she ever play on SPN? Or on another ep of NCIS? Hmmmm.

T: "...and they're gonna put a giant cardboard cut-out of me in Career Services..."

What's up with Abby? O.o

Oh Tony&Tim. ILU BOTH ♥

Tony in profile. RAWR.  And that booking photo never gets old.

oh god, this is so not a good idea

okay, so I'm never looking @ pineapple the same way. ...or Ducky, heh.

'His liver is not his own' Well that's certainly something you don't hear every day >.>

Agent Krohn/Crone/Crohn? Kinda creepy anyway.

Tony is really damn hot tonite. SRSLY.

Oooooh, I do like the way she just sent Tony away. Fear the flick, Dinozzo *smirks*

DO WANT a still of that shot of T & Z looking down @ Sgt Dempsey. Cuz really, awe-some

'...registered to the FBI' And we all know what that means - Fornell!! Whoo!

Gibbs watching Westerns while ironing - also AWESOME. And w/ Fornell. ♥ All Odd Couple-y and DOMESTIC BLISS ♥

G: We both agreed we hate that place...

Whoa. That is a high level dude. Huh.

Fornell: *bad curry realisation* "Do you have another cereal bowl?"

Jimmy you are just the cutest little thing XD

Suuuuuure. 'Coffee' covers a lot.

Really liking Abby's outfit tonight

He can't be that good a hitman if his target took him out. Just sayin. Whoops, actually completely forgot about the FBI guy ^^;; Guess he makes a better target. Maybe >_>

Oh I am so writing something for that whole silent conversation/understanding thing Dempsey & Tony just had.

Oh. God. That was just the tiniest bit too much. Heh.

Looks like Dempsey was it.  & her little brother is cute.

Yeah, kinda figured Dempsey might not just be after Tolan's ass. Seeing her brother confirmed it.

*cough* Amazing what somebody'll believe when you're bangin' em.

Fornell Italian too? ^^ Him & Tony should totes get together and cook EPIC Gibbs food

Ziva looks cute in that hat.


with me dinozzo, www

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