from Sept 20-26 edition of TV Guide
Senior is scheduled for a return! Yes, I'll admit I really want to see Gibbs put the man in his place. For real this time. Though knowing my luck, Daddy Dinozzo will probably show up about to die or something and Tony will be all 'OH NOES' and flaily about what to do with a man who he doesn't hate....but doesn't exactly love either. There will be angst.
"At least one origin story is promised, exploring how members of the team first met....Will we see a young Tony? [GOD I HOPE SO] A pip-squeak Abby? [DITTO] Personally, we're hoping for a love-at-first-sight, across-a-crowded-room flashback of Duck and Gibbs' first encounter." [AREN'T WE ALL?!?!!]
We're getting A YEAR LATER?! Where was I that I didn't know this. WTF. Anyway, we're supposed to be getting (more) shapeshifters [whooooo!], genies, "terryfyingly awful" vamps [er, what? w/ the exception of Lenore they've all been awful I thought] and...wait for it...FAIRIES. I can see bad things happening to Deano w/ fairies in the mix, just sayin. There's more Crowley [which HELL YEAH, I love that demon] and of course, Grandpa Campbell. Knew he was coming back, but I reeeeeeellllly wanna know how >_> Plus, can't you just see Samuel meeting Sam? And a whole CLAN of Campbells? SO. AWESOME. Hoping there's at least one zany huntress aunt that is like Dean with boobs. C'mon, you know you want one.