NCIS 7x? ...tonite's ep, anyway
TONY!!!! TIM!!!!!
Of course the question arises - how did Tony know how much time Tim spent online last night? >_> Yeeeeeeah. *cough*BECAUSETHEYFUCKLIKEBUNNIES*cough*
Oh show, your blatant Tim/Tony makes me so happy ♥♥♥
Hee. Fornell is pretty cute tonight too. I'm actually starting to like the beard.
Vance is quickly overcoming my initial dislike of him. 'course I've always liked him better than Jenny, but it's taken me a while to actively like him for him, instead of just a 'better than nothing' alternative.
Da-yum Tony looks good in that suit. [Crispy dead bodies aside, that 'urgh, sick' face he's making is pretty damn awesome too...and rather a helpful visual for my WIP mpreg. Hmmm, guess I need some caps of that scene.]
Tony: a protective hen
Ducky: Or an overprotective panther.
Tim: Boss! Can I go with Tony instead of Ziva?
TIM/TONY FTW!!!!!! [Oooooooh, need some caps of that scene too.]
Hmmmm, anyone else think the janitor might be faking it? ...Aha! That janitor is hinky.
Abby's wearing some... interesting clothes.
That really kind of sucks. All those people died because somebody screwed up & didn't take the blast radius into consideration. Taken out by a gas line. Srsly, somebody needs to go back to bomb school.
>_> Srsly, I was promised some Gibbs!angst tonight - or at least some Gibbs!discomfort. It's already :44 for Chrissakes. I can't see a good plot suddenly appearing in fifteen minutes. Just sayin.
ZOMG, the back of Mark Harmon's head is friggin adorable. HEE XD This entire setup is hilarious. And makes Gibbs look incredibly hot. ...Er so do I have a lie detector kink now? o.O
I know what this felony is! I KNOW what this felony is! Yep. That's exactly what I thought it was. Ooooh, & hey there goes my Gibbs(kinda)angst.
Now that is something I didn't expect. At ALL. The judge?!?
RAWR & I thought Gibbs looked hot before, but those glasses *happy purr*
Yep, think I definitely like the mustache on Fornell.
Tony [about Palmer's henna disaster]: Dear God, someone fed him after midnight.
Oh Tim :)