NCIS: 7x....whatever the hell # it is
"Guilty Pleasures"
Okay, the opening scene is now MY FAVORITE ONE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh bestill my little Tim/Tony lovin' heart <333333 x inifinity. Srsly.
You two are dating now? YES THEY ARE.
Tony: What are you gonna do, blow the coffee down?
Though watching my boys fight :< Tim will not be getting any tonight...or for a long time after that >.>
Oooh, really like that shot of Ducky leaning over the body w/ the sky all blue behind him...
Poor McGee, he has no idea what he's in for. There is no wrath like a Dinozzo scorned.
Tony: You were funnier when you were fatter
That brings me to an issue I've been wondering about. What is going on with Sean's increasingly shrinking image? I know the show-line is Tim is exercising, eating right, etc, etc. But Sean's dropped some serious weight, even since this season's premiere.
And Tony finding a new boyfriend buddy to play off of -- naughty, naughty *tsks*
OH MY GOD TONY HAS FOUND HIS SOULMATE XD ...which is sort of scary actually >_>
I reallyreallyreally want a cap of Tony & Det. McCadden (sp?) giving each other the high five. Like, yesterday.
Holly Snow: You need me Gibbs, use me.
Abby is darling. In a really awkward way.
*snickers* OH MY GOD. Dinozzo in that jacket? Heh.
Oh Tony, she can see right through you.
....aaaannnndddd she? Makes me very very happy. SHE SLAPPED HIM. MORE THAN ONCE. *glee*
But why, oh why did you say THAT?!? o.O Tony honey, you need some improv lessons.
Hey I know that dude. He' s one of those London kids. Jeremy, Jason. Could never really tell them apart.
The prop people have really gotta work on those coffees too. You can't fake the very hollow sound of a cup hitting the table. Though have to give Mark points for selling it for frickin years.
Gibbs: And they say you can't make money with a Liberal Arts degree
I change it, TONY IS DATING HIMSELF. Of course Tim = McBitter, as he is no longer the recipient of all that Di-lovin...okay not the best, but only McGee & McCadden have easily-and-fun-to-alter names ;P
Nicholas? Srsly, he couldn't pick a name I don't associate with Santa Clause -_- Creepy, clingy creeper.
Oh Tony, really? You're taking this a little far.
Awwww, poor Tim *pets* But hee, Abby is so darn cute
OH MY GOD HE'S GONNA....damn. Woulda paid damn good money to see Gibbs hug McGee.
Gibbs/Tony in the elevator!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay wearing the same suits just got a little sickening. But yay!!!! Tony is defending McGee and being annoyed with McCad and soon will be back with his twue wuv [oh god did i actually say that? *falls off bed*]
Huh, looks like Creepy!Nicky isn't a killer after all. Just, you know, creepy.
I want caps of them looking over their computer screens too. Totally have the urge to make an ship icon XD
See, Abby knew Tony couldn't leave you for long. And Ziva is so on to you.
You know, White Collar is way better making ankle monitors. Maybe they should call Peter and have him put in a good word with the ankle monitor maker people. Just sayin.
Holy freakin O.O It was the lawyer?!?!?!! Didn't see that one coming. At ALL.
Yep, that's why you never fuck with Gibbs.
But she's totally ruining my Gibbs/Dinozzo fantasies. Hmmm....though it would be cool for a threesome. After all, Holly needs to teach Dinozzo a few things *plots*
Ziva: Things were hanging out? That is disgusting.
Tony: I won't apologize. / Tim: I don't expect you to.
THEIR LOVE IS EPIC. Second only to Gibbs and Tony...and apparently with surprise!Holly Snow. Gibbs cooks them steaks, after all. He doesn't feed just anybody.
Yep, want that cap of Holly kissing the top of Gibbs' head too. AND the one right there @ the end with Gibbs sitting at his table.