Must be Thursday

Mar 25, 2010 21:28


“Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”

OH THANK GOD. For a minute I was sure basketball would take over again XD

DAMNIT they showed emo!angsty!crying!Dean again *wibbles*

Risin’ from the dead = so skeevy. Was always terrified of Night of the Living Dead. Scariest movie EVER, okay along with IT, Children of the Corn, Jeepers Creepers…okay so it’s *one* of the scariest movies ever >.>

The wildebeast comparison is pretty cool though

Go for the head! Go for the head! OH SHIT.

Sioux Falls, SD [note for fic]

BOYS IN SUITS = my favoritest thing evah!

Digger: Who died and made you queen?

What is up with the women sheriffs in these shows lately?

Damn. DAMN.

Yeah that is a fun coincidence. Ahem, or not.

Bobby: What are you my mother? Bite me.

Also, ILU JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG is Jensen like shrinking? Srsly, he looks shorter O.o

See? Skeevy. Zombies are. Always. Skeevy.

That paneling totally looks like the one in my house.

Holy askdgjkl

Um. Okay. This just gets weirder and weirder. For reals.

JESUS. Oh darlin, no.

Zombie!pie FTW. [I'm totally making an icon of that]

Bobby: No, she didn't. I cremated her.

Hell yeah, we might finally get to see Death. BRING IT! Er, him! Whoever.

Oh Bobby, oh honey.

Wow that was creepy. A LOT. Though I'm still really beginning to like her anyway.

Mrs. Singer: You hunt things. I'm a...thing.

[Kinda want to write a fic for Sheriff whatshername too. Damn, really not good with the name thing tonight x_x ]


5x15, bobby singer ftw, www, oh why do i love this show

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