title: first time’s always the worst
acidquilldisclaimer: don’t own em
rating: pg
fandom: ST:XI
character(s)/pairings: Bones, allusions to K/B
word count: 191
notes: so. um. yeah. looks like I wrote Trek fic. possibly the result of
affectingly. and Kelly Clarkson.
He’s too damn old to fall in love again. Too bitter, his heart twisted out of shape by a woman he thought he’d grow old and die with. He stepped up, said his vows, and in the end, not a word of them were enough to keep him and Jocelyn together.
Falling in love, even the words are for someone younger, someone more hopeful than him. Leonard’s only interested in graduating; he’ll get that commission on a station and work on saving lives, damnit. The only broken hearts will be the ones he sees through a medical scanner or in OR. He doesn’t have plans, but he knows what he wants. What he can live with.
Funny how none of that takes Jim Kirk into account. Snapping blue eyes and a mouth that smart enough for a man three times his size. Just one man.
Leonard never sees it coming. He’s three years in by the time he realises Jim isn’t just ‘Kid’ or ‘Jackass’ or any of the other half-endearments, half-curses Leonard’s used instead of his name. Jim is under his skin and in his head.
He is so screwed.
- end