title: Rude boy don’t cry
acidquilldisclaimer: don’t own em
rating: pg
fandom: Vampire Diaries (DON’T JUDGE ME)
characters/pairing: Damon, Damon/Stefan if you wanna
word count: 175
notes: um, so I have NO knowledge of fandom past the handful of eps I’ve seen. tag for 1x02. title from Bedouin Soundclash.
For all the ways he loves tormenting his brother, he’d never let Stefan fall to these pathetic people. Just the thought of any of them laying hands on what’s his, is enough to make Damon’s blood boil. His borrowed blood anyway.
He loves the warmth and life he gets from feeding. The rush. He remembers when he could count on having Stefan, right by his side. After Catherine the two of them only had each other. Stefan might want to forget those days, believe that he’s better for not taking what’s rightfully theirs; Damon can’t. He can close his eyes and it’s all there - the copper tang of blood, the razor edged thrill of knowing that the two of them are unstoppable. Stefan wants him to turn his back on one of the few times he’s ever truly been happy, or at least as close to happy as he can be.
Damon’s never been good at being alone. And even if it kills one - or both - of them, he’s going to get his brother back.
- end