“The Curious Case of Dean Winchester”
DUDE. Reading tabloids? Srsly? …though Weekly World News *is* Dean’s subscribed rag.
SONUVABITCH that is creepy.
She’s gonna scream. Heh, toldja.
Oh honey, how much do I love you for starting out with THAT.
& looks like Bobby knows a little more than he’s sayin’
XD Awwww, he called them an idjit.
Facilities? Um, dude. Who have you been hanging out with?
D: Workin’ late my ass
Oh I know what’s in there. At least I got my suspicions.
…though that. Huh. Looks like someone’s been winning big.
You are such a liar!
DEAN IS TOTALLY INTO HIM. Come on, like he’s gonna look under covers for anyone
BustyAsianBeauties, anyone? *quirks eyebrow*
*huffs* I bet you are just rarin’ to go
Irish? Patrick? What? >.>
You kind of suck @ subtlety there, Deano.
Wait, his name’s Ben?
Wow, that man move3s fast.
B: Brains trumps legs apparently
Oh fuck.