title: it's something that we do now
acidquilldisclaimer: don't own em
characters: Jared, mentions of Jen
rating: pg...um 13.
summary: all
Jared's fault. really.
notes: should i warn you before hand that I suck at texting? because really I do.
eta: seriously, no one caught the 'best slasher fic'...yeah that is my brain at work, lol. now changed to 'flick' because THAT'S WHAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY. I blame them for turning my brain to mush. I really do.
Jared's exhausted after a long day on set. He loves a good horror movie - and hell he's doing goddamn FRIDAY THE 13TH, which has to be one of the best slasher flicks in the history of the world. But.
Running full tilt through a clump of woods and jumping ditches and fighting for his life - it's almost like being back in Vancouver. Somewhere he'd convinced himself that shooting a movie would be easier. Like a vacation. A break from the ten, twelve, fifteen hour days and the eight day weeks of television.
He kind of wants to give himself a good kick in the ass right now.
Jared fumbles with his key card, hopes like hell that he won't have the same stupid fight with it he had last night. He's too damn tired for that shit right now. The door opens without a hitch and Jared sighs happily. His bed is within reach when his phone beeps. Damn.
He slips it out of his pocket and flips it open. Jensen.
Havin fun?
Jared smiles. He slips out of his shoes while he types in a quick 'NO. You?' Hits send. Almost immediately the screen of his phone lights up with: @ bar. whr u need 2 B.
KISS MY ASS. M tired.
ur getn OLD
like u?
u wud like it
Jared waits, can almost hear Jen's laugh. He shucks off his jeans, balances the phone against his chest with his chin. When it beeps again, he can feel the buzz of it against his skin.
u wish. nite bitch.
He grins and answers the only way he can: jerk
Jared flips his phone closed and climbs into bed. Slaps his phone down on the nightstand. Knows Jen'll have him up with the freaking birds in the morning, just like he has every morning since Jared's been on this shoot.
- end