Bringing back the Friday Five:
Cookie Crumbs - ack. it is the cutest damn thing I've read lately. it makes me want to write food porn y'all. or any fic at all where Dean is in love with food.
Exit Wounds by
backinblack - really, do I have to say it again? This fic hits all those dark and dirty places I didn't know I had. A little dub/non con, Sam's a toppy bastard even before the sex, and Dean needs it. Hot as fuck.
What Remains To Be Lost by
regala_electra - yes, there's wincest. but jesus, god, and all the little fishes, this is so much more than that. it's Sam and Dean and all the little things that get kept and left behind.
i'd drive all night just to get back home by
rogue_clasique - Mmmm, multipart AU with a not so 100% Dean, Bobby, Sam in Stanford, and lots more. Only gotten up to part 7 right now, but I'm going back for more.
In Mirrors of the Old World by
liath - casefic with werewolves, wincest, Dean know, all those things I can't do without ;)