title: Heavy
acidquilldisclaimer: don't own em
character(s): Dean
rating: pg
word count: 142
postcard prompt:
here. all credit for it goes to its creator.
notes: fourth entry for
spn_secretfic. takes place sometime after 'Croatoan.'
Sometimes, Dean just wants to stop. He told Sam the truth in Oregon; he's tired. He's never been so fucking tired in his life.
It's not just the hunt. Not the endless miles he's put behind him, or the hundreds of faces he remembers, but the names he doesn't. It's not the smell of an open grave or the blood that sticks under his fingernails. Those things, he can live with.
He was raised to put one foot in front of the other, no matter what happened. The only time Dean’s come this close to giving up was when Sam left for Stanford. He quit caring back then. Didn't give a damn. Now, maybe the problem is, he cares too much.
Because he doesn’t want to keep going, not when all he can see in front of him is dust and ashes.