title: all shook down
acidquillrating: PG
disclaimer: don't own em.
characters: Dean
notes: SPOILERS for 2x12. This is for Neb. It's not exactly what I wanted to give you, but I think it fits.
Dean isn't used to nightmares, that's pretty much always been Sammy's gig. And hell, it's not like any normal person wouldn't be scared shitless by the stuff they see everyday, his brother's visions of doom aside. It's just that Dean's never had a problem keeping a lid on it before; he's always been able to take what comes his way and deal. But lately he can't close his eyes without bolting out of sleep, heart trip-hammering in his chest, sweat beading at his temples. Once or twice he's woken Sam up. Not that he told his brother anything other than 'go back to sleep' or 'middle of the night's no time to be a girl, Sammy.'
He sure as hell ain't telling Sam that the spooks aren't the ones hunting him through his dreams every night. No, Dean's monsters are all too human: That fed's voice over the phone, listing detail after detail about his family. The ice cold terror of waking up in that motel room to find Sam gone and later, knowing his little brother was walking right into Gordon's trap. The tinny sound of the flatline on his father's heart monitor.
Dean supposes he should be grateful he hasn't progressed to the screaming-loud-enough-to-wake-up-the-whole-damn-motel stage. Fucked up thing is, he thinks he might be getting there.
- end