Small SV SPOILER detour for last night:
"And I want a ponytail" - Lex
Heh. How fuckin kick ass is the fledgling JLA?
*snicker* Boyscout.
I know someone who knows this fandom better than me wants to write a bit of AC/Victor *bats eyelashes*
Erica has finally made me like Lois.
And damn. I even love Lionel now.
Okay, now we can get down to the nitty gritty.
SPN Commentary. SPOILERS for 2.11
Eee! Ava! Darling I hope you come back. Cause I'd write het for you.
Okay. Freaky kids. Who say sonofabitch. Obviously they're channelling Dean...*snicker*
OMG freaky faceless dolls O.O
Just. Fuck.
*happy sigh* ah, I can never get enough of the fiery intro
'the patented Sam Winchester way' (making fangirls go squish since 2005)
A month? A freaking month?
"Wow. That attitude is way too healthy for me...I'm officially uncomfortable now." Oh Dean.
Fred & Daphne, lol.
Why yes Dean, I, Sammy, with my crazy possibly demonic powers of observation noticed that this random flowerpot has a hoodoo (which, wtf?) sigil on it. Let's get our hunt on and bust up this inn of hoodoo evil.
OH. MY. GOD. Antiquers. King size bed. The look on Dean's face.
Hmmm. I wonder why the old guy didn't carry Sam's bag? You know since he's the one with the cast and all...haha. Because he knows that Dean is sekritly Sammy's bitch *mwhahahahaha* Yes, I will corrupt you with my ebil wincest vibes.
*cough*look on Dean's face*cough*
Kripke darling, I think we need to have a word with your writers. You know, about Sam's sudden ability to detect all hoodoo within a five mile radius. Even when it's inside a vase.
Dolls. Sam. Oh hell this calls for another *mwhahaha* Dean, you evil bastard. And oh how I love you when you are one (and every other way you are too :D )
Grandma the Witchdoctor.
''s not the sort of whackin' I mean' *snicker* It's your own fault Sam.
What is she humming? Ring Around the Rosy?
Oh yeah, that's real normal.
- ew. The Hitcher is a big no. kthnx. -
"You're bossy. And short." <----yes, Sam owns me with this. forever.
Okay Dean, slap him.
Slap him.
don't you dare ask that Sammy ohgoddon'taskthatohfuck. They were THIS CLOSE! & sleepydrunkrumpledbed!ASS SHOT!! *is ded*
maybe Nan'Marie put the hoodoo on the house for Rose?....
poor hungover!Sam *pets* but you're still sexass. even when you're spending facetime with the toilet. but I'm still with Dean on the teethbrushing. cause even sexasses are gross with the morning after breath.
Ah yes, the fine art of sneaking up on grandma.
"Yeah what do you want to do, poke her with a stick?" - Sam
Dude, where was my spidey sense this ep? Cause I did not see that coming. Imaginary my ass. Though I'm wondering where Mackie, Maggie, whatever the hell her name is, is from.
- urgh. those new M&M commercials disturb me. a lot. -
better watch out momma cause that 'imaginary' friend is out to get you. and she is one creative little fucker.
Whooo! Go Sam!
'Listen sister....' Heh.
That's what *you* think. if my car just tried to run me over I think I'd reconsider. just sayin'.
- Blood & Chocolate. Yes, I'd like to see that now please. -
Okay, that's just not right. I have a whole pool avoidance thing.
And yeah, freaky doll much?
Yay for the hoodoo urn! *cheers*
:D I was waiting for our weekly SOB. (and no, the kids saying it at the beginning didn't count)
so maybe this is hardly the time but I'm working on a Sam/Tyler *hides* dude, not like that.
Little. Sister. Dude.
- *glares* I don't care if you are man. that's no reason to interrupt SPN to dance and sing with your texas whoppers. -
Awww. You know Sam doesn't get hugged nearly enough.
*!@(%#()$^ Damn you Sammy. I love your gigantor ass, but ahhhhhh. I could strangle you. Next time I'll get you wasted. And there's gonna be no way in hell you're gonna remember anything in the morning. Especially promises that Dean has no intention of keeping.
Nxt Week:
What helicopters? Banks? What. the. hell. O.o