
May 06, 2012 13:37

Just got back from seeing The Avengers.

Draping myself over my cello and sobbing.

Give me a moment.

avengers, goddammit joss, cello

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fahrenheit_f430 May 6 2012, 18:02:41 UTC
*pats back* It's ok, get it all up, you'll feel better. *holds handful of tissues*


acidqueen31 May 6 2012, 18:36:20 UTC
*sniffles* Thank you.


fahrenheit_f430 May 6 2012, 21:44:45 UTC
*pat pat pat* In the Whedonverse no one really dies. *pat pat pat*


acidqueen31 May 6 2012, 22:23:49 UTC
I'm already writing fix-it fic, man. I haven't been like this since Serenity.


fahrenheit_f430 May 6 2012, 23:22:05 UTC
*shoulder-rub* Get on it, dude. Get on it! I have a horrible feeling that, unless Hawkeye gets a movie, he'll be next in the sequel. :S


acidqueen31 May 6 2012, 23:39:51 UTC
Oh my God, Fahre, don't say things like that! *flails*


fahrenheit_f430 May 7 2012, 01:15:02 UTC
*clings, soothes* It's Whedon. He'd DO IT. :S


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