May 02, 2006 07:45
getting a little homesick looking at's series of pictures from redsox-yankees game... of all the signs people had booing jonny damon! pretty funny stuff. i miss you bitter freaks! this week i am so tired from the weekend, it was wild, we had an 'amazing race' where we had to hitchhike all around the island making certain stops. it was really great, but i ended up walking down what i think might be (no joke, 25% grade) the steepest road in the world, in birks (i wasnt planning on hiking!) and now i have crippling blisters on my feet and i have to walk around on my toes with pantyliners duct taped to my feet! (ok so if nothing else i'm resourceful ;) ) so hmm i am a little tired. and i dont want to sort soil very much. not to be complainy or anything ;) life is good on the big island, but jonny damon definitely sucks.