Gossip Girl 2.05 ramblings.

Sep 29, 2008 20:30

"Is it unimaginable for a son to want to speak with his father?"

"I swear he thinks I killed her. Maybe I did."

Oh, Chuck, baby. You poor thing. His character has never made me feel for him like this, nrgh. Rip my heart out, boy, why don't you. I think you've just dethroned Nate as the Angst King- I didn't even notice he was gone this ep until Blair mentioned him. It was that good. I am slain.

P.S. Bart Bass, you suck.

...rest of the episode? What rest of the episode? I don't know what you're talking about.

Two weeks until the next new one. Waiiiiiiiillllllllllllll.

gossip girl

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