(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 01:48

I really had a dire impulse to write a Theodore/Draco for Draco's birthday, but I got nothin' right now. Curses. A "Happy birthday, Draco" will have to suffice, because my muse is shot for all but RPG-related stuff at the moment, apparently. Though better to keep the RPG muse, I suppose, since my games have had a flurry of activity lately. Good times.

Also, I swear I'll do an intro-y thingy for my new friends, um, soon. At some point. Really, I will.

Just... not now. *scampers off*

P.S. Why am I awake at 2 AM? Oh right, because SOME PEOPLE have their wonky timezones and mercurial internets so I end up lurking on IM 'til like 4 in the freaking morning, and then my mother pitches a spazz the next day because I sleep in/am tired/both of the above. Oh, that's always a party. God, I am so incoherent right now, it's not even funny. Also, y'know, completely insane. Because I DO NOT SLEEP.

/directionless and not really all that angry rant at someone who isn't even here and doesn't have this journal friended.

rpgs, fandom

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