I'm woman enough to admit when I'm wrong, and let me just say now that Eli Roth discovering Basterds fanfiction is no longer mortifying. In fact, the ongoing saga has just made my day, because
HE FREAKING SHOWED CHRISTOPH WALTZ THE FANFIC!!! Sweet Mary Mother of Jeebus, I don't think I have ever laughed at anything as much as I have laughed at this:
It's been a few hours since I first saw, and I still can't look at it without bursting out in laughter. Eli invited Christoph over to what is presumably his house, in order to read porn written about them. Really, he's just asking for RPS now, so who am I to deny it? ;P
Also, I didn't think it was possible, but I'm even more in love with Christoph Waltz. How can you not love someone who refers to a Blackberry as a Blueberry? <3
Of course, this is all over the Basterds fandom now, so it didn't really need repeating. It's just too awesome not to repeat it.
In other Basterds news, Love in Thoughts needs to hurry up and download, damn it! There is only so long that you can look at the following gif without the need to see that scene in its full glory.