Ashes to Ashes reaction post/picspam

Apr 22, 2009 14:17

I was always going to do an A2A reaction post, but I felt compelled to also include pictures. Those who've seen the episode probably know why...

Because the first picture of every picspam should be of a man with a giant penis. Speaking of which...

Gene Hunt Is A Sexy Beast

I'm fairly sure he would be one of the courses taken in a PhD of Masturbation *facepalm* I have to say, I loved that they dismissed the theory he is any sort of representative of religion (seriously, I've heard him been described as St. Michael, the Grim Reaper and so many other things that I couldn't help but giggle when it was denied). I'll talk more about the "same reason as me" line later on, this section is more to focus on the fact that Gene Hunt is a sex god, and after this bit of conversation -

Supermac: You can't help who you fall in love with.
Gene: Is that so?

- I'm getting all of these unreciprocated Sam/Gene LoM/A2A plot bunnies in my head. I am such a sad little Sam/Gene shipper sometimes.


Or, as I like to call him, Harry Woolf v.2. I won't go into the character so much as how much he and certain other aspects of this episode reminded me of Life on Mars. As soon as Supermac walked into the office and Gene indicated some amount of respect, I knew he was going to be a shady bastard, and even though this hasn't actually been confirmed it is definitely looking that way.

Also, I fucking loved that Chris didn't take the sex club owner's hush money, because it justfelt as though he actually learnt something from Sam after the whole Stephen Warren fiasco. Combine these things with the fact that there was a girl from Hyde and I felt like I was watching an episode of Life on Mars at times.

Find The Significance

I chose this cap in particular for The Damned poster in the background. Not because it could be a subtle-as-a-sledgehammer clue of Alex's predicament, but mainly due to the fact that The Damned is yet another band they could use on the soundtrack of this show.

So, pretty much the entire point of the this episode was to set up both this series' red herrings and actual clues about why Alex (and by extension Sam) ended up in these "coma" worlds. I'm going to ignore the man in the coma at the start, because as soon as I saw him, the LoM part of my brain took it to mean that my theory of all of this still being in Sam's head has been proven bitches, and I'm expecting David Bowie and Simm-as-Bernard Sumner to pop up any episode now to bring about the A2A ending I always wanted. Since this isn't going to happen, I'm going to dismiss it as a red herring and move on.

The actual theory I'm going to analyse is the one that spring to mind with Kevin Hale's (BTW, he was in Teachers!) declaration of them being everywhere, as well as Gene's line about being here for the same reason that Alex is. Now, the theory that everyone in Comaland is actually "in" Comaland due to their own respective coma's has been around for ages, but I don't know, I'm not buying it. I don't think "they" have anything to do with Comaworld except for why Alex ended up there in the first place. We don't know why Arthur Layton had it in for Alex or who he was talking to when he took her hostage. Who knows, maybe Arthur wasn't the only one involved. I still think Alex's mum was into something that we never saw in the first series and that this something is what led to Alex being shot. If this something seems as big as I think it is, it makes sense that Arthur layton wasn't the only one involved. There could be many more. And they could be everywhere.

And now, on to The Most Important and Significant Scene of the Entire Episode *coughs*

"I'm arresting you on the suspicion of being the loveliest woman I've ever met."

Oh, Chris, you special little div. And Shaz's reaction is pure love!

picspam, reaction post, ashes to ashes, acid's been thinking... run away!!!

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