Skins 309 and other miscellaneous mumblings

Mar 20, 2009 21:39

Skins just keeps on getting better (and of course it's towards the end of the season). I won't say much, other than I must be more of a sap than I realised, because while I didn't really ship Emily/Naomi, when they walked away from the Love Ball hand in hand, with Naomi saying "I love you too," and Emily replying by saying "I know," I was awww-ing all over the place. I guess it didn't hurt that Emily finally got to smack down her twin Katie and tell her to love her for who she is or get fucked either.


Now, on to other stuff. I was looking for a quote on google about what countries you could fit in the Australian state of Western Australia (because clearly I have nothing else better to do with my time) and came across this traveller's review of Australia. It's very much a "take-the-piss" type review for the most part, and I don't agree with some of it (for one thing, driving across the Nullabor Plain is not a pleasant experience, unless you count having your mind frakked with as one. Then again, listening to Joy Division and hearing the bleak nature of their music while seeing the bleakness of absolutely nothing but flat land as far as the eye can see for a couple of days probably doesn't help.)

However, there were two bits that caught my attention, so I thought I'd share why (you'll have to excuse my, I'm slightly bored).

It's as if the absence of a dominant characteristic defines an Australian. If you were too much one thing or another you just wouldn't be an Aussie at heart.
He forgot to include that the reason for this: we, as a general population, just can't be bothered to go to all the effort of cultivating a dominant characteristic. Hell, anything we have that resembles our own cultural output was nicked from other cultures, proving that a) we're too lazy too create our own, and b) a fair proportion of our population are descended from convicts.

This is another reason for the phlegmatic character of the average Australian. If you've made it through twenty or thirty odd years of being hunted by everything that walks, crawls or swims you'd be pretty laid back about things like drowning in the bath or being run over by a number nine bus.
He forgot serial killers, but then again that's only in Adelaide. You have to worry about backpack killers in the other states. Other than that though, it's pretty spot-on.
Yes, this is pretty much an excuse to take the piss out of Australian "culture". Yes I am okay with that.


As for the latest Who spoilers (I heard them while I was typing this), I'll just say one thing: DO NOT FUCKING WANT! I was in a good mood until I heard that, and now all I can think of how they can put the double decker bus mentioned at the end to good use (and it (the use of the bus, not the article) is even Skins-related, bringing this post full circle).

Just as an aside, that Skins clip might seem strange out of context, but... well, it's still strange with the context, but then a lot of occurences on that show are strange even in context.

australia, spoilers, reaction post, doctor who, skins, joy division

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