Latest Eleventh Doctor Companion Spoilers

Mar 09, 2009 17:03

So, apparently Hannah Murray, AKA Cassie from Skins, is in the running to be the Eleventh Doctor's companion.

This is Hannah Murray ("Really?" you ask, somewhat sarcastically.)

When I first read the story, my reaction was a combination of it being complete and utter bollocks, given the source, and of thinking that they really are trying to time twink up the TARDIS, aren't they?

However, further contemplation has me sort of warming to the idea. It's not as though she is a bad actress, she is actually a rather good one, and it's not as though she will be playing the character of Cassie in the TARDIS (actually, that would be almost impossible - I highly doubt a show with a large child audience would have a character who uses a lot of sex, a lot of drugs, and nowhere near enough food to cope with her empty life). But she almost has this spaced out other-worldliness about her that could be interesting, particularly if this companion is not from Earth, and she does do a great psycho little bitch, which would certainly be a departure from the RTD-era companions.

Sure, there is the fact that she is a little bit of a Rose look-a-like, but I'm confident enough in Moffat to do things with her character that will not make her for Rose 2.0, the younger model. I'm still not believing it for a second, mind you, but if it were to happen it wouldn't be the end of the world.

Finally, this has nothing to do with Doctor Who whatsoever, but I found it while looking through all of my Skins crap:

*sigh* I miss watching Tony get hit by people. And buses.

spoilers, doctor who, skins

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