Doctor Who Ficlet

Feb 01, 2009 13:34

Title: Dream Again
Author: acidpenguin46 
Characters: The Doctor, the Master
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 219
Warnings: Nothing really, just a few mentions of possible violence and drug use metaphors.
Summary: I feel no pain, I feel no fire, oh I keep on dreaming.
Disclaimer: None of it is mine, it all belongs to the BBC.

Notes: In my heat-induced computer hiatus, I have been listening to the new Franz Ferdinand album. Quite a lot. So I suppose it's inevitable that it inspired fic (and I'm sure the fact that several of their earlier songs remind me of the Master has nothing to do with it). The title and the lyrics in the summary both come from the song "Dream Again".

Dream Again

His fingers slip, sliding down the contours of the Master’s face. The rhythm echoes in his mind, those steady, repetitive four beats, as one hand drops to his side and the other lingers on the Master’s jawbone. He can feel them start to fall, but fights to maintain a loose grip, nearly clinging to the one thing stopping him from tumbling into oblivion.

His anxieties, his fears, trickle through his fingers as he mind becomes empty, leaving nothing but the sound of drums in the hollow space. The world blurs and he falls to his knees, but he doesn’t feel the sharp jolts of pain that would normally run up his leg at the brutal contact. A rough hand grasps at his throat, forcing him to look up into the Master’s face, into his eyes. Through the mist he can see the madness glittering in their depths.

The drums echo in his mind, and he will follow them, will follow him, to the edge of destruction and then over the brink.

Ba da dabum. Ba da dabum.

This isn’t real, it’s a dream, just a false reality with blurred edges. Words move past him, whispers of skies splitting, of worlds burning, and they make the drums louder and more persistent. Nothing he does will matter anymore.

Ba da dabum.

the master, the doctor, doctor who, fic

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