Stuff and junk.

Jan 19, 2009 15:07

First of all, a fandom meme I snagged from candesgirl , because a) I have a lot of fandoms, and b) I'm currently engaging in a little thing I like to call procrastination.

How many fandoms do you actively participate in (reading, writing and/or commenting)?

Um, at this particular moment in time, it's pretty much Life on Mars, Doctor Who and State of Play. I am going to start looking into BSG-related things soon though (I think I may have developed a soft spot for Lee/Anders).

How many fandoms do you lurk in?

Quite a few. There's Arrested Development, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Peggverse, Dr. Horrible, Skins, Being Human, Supernatural, Torchwood, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Ashes to Ashes, The Devil's Whore, and that's just for starters...

How many fandoms have you actively participated in (include current #s)?

Um, alrighty then. Harry Potter, Supernatural, Life on Mars, Dr. Horrible, Hot Fuzz, Doctor Who and State of Play. And that's just in a ficcing sense of the word (although I could probably include A2A in with fic. I haven't actually written for it, but I may have utilised certain events in the first episode in my Life on Mars fic a few too many times). If I were to go on and list the shows I've iconed or made motivators of I would be here all day.

How many fandoms have you lurked in?

Pretty much the shows I mentioned in the last lurking question.

How many fandoms do you currently write in?

Well, there's the Life on Mars fic that's, well, "coming," plus there is some Who and State of Play stuff I've been meaning to work on.

How many fandoms do you currently read in?

Really only Who, Life on Mars, State of Play and The Devil's Whore (hmm, I'm sensing a common link between those), but as I mentioned earlier I'm going to start investigating the world of BSG fic.

How many fandoms have you written in (include current #s)?

Haven't I answered this question twice already?

How many fandoms have you read in (include current #s)?

Pretty much just the fandoms I have mentioned, although I have read fic for Skins as well.

If you write, do you write Gen, Slash, Het or a combination?

Mainly slash of the epic manpain variety, or Gen with subtext (the two main characters I write about are Sam, Gene or the Master - with them there is not such thing as Gen without subtext. At least in the happy land known as personal canon anyway).

Do you read Gen, Slash, Het or a combination?

Again, I tend to stick to either Gen or Slash, because I have few het ships that move beyond watching them, liking them, but forgetting about them while I'm not watching (Roslin/Adama is probably one of the few exceptions to this, apart from Donna/anyone except the Doctor and The Saxons, but I've heard scary things about Roslin/Adama fanfic so I'm not sure if I'll read it).

Also, my results for the Nerd? Geek? or Dork? test that's been doing the rounds:

Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test...
Outcast Genius
61 % Nerd, 70% Geek, 52% Dork

For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in all three, earning you the title of: Outcast Genius.

Outcast geniuses usually are bright enough to understand what society wants of them, and they just don't care! They are highly intelligent and passionate about the things they know are *truly* important in the world. Typically, this does not include sports, cars or make-up, but it can on occassion (and if it does then they know more than all of their friends combined in that subject).

Outcast geniuses can be very lonely, due to their being outcast from most normal groups and too smart for the room among many other types of dorks and geeks, but they can also be the types to eventually rule the world, ala Bill Gates, the prototypical Outcast Genius.


Take The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test at HelloQuizzy

See, even the test agrees that I should rule the world. However it also puts me on par with Bill Gates. I guess sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad.

Also, colour me unsurprised that I scored highest on the Geek scale.


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