My flatmate and I were watching "Full Metal Jacket" last night, and who do I see but unexpected Adam Baldwin (AKA Jayne from Firefly). Now, usually I wouldn't post about something like this, because I see people from various fandoms in unexpected movies/TV shows all the time, but I thought I would in this case for the following reason:
Adam Baldwin in Full Metal Jacket - a film that was released in 1987.
And as Jayne in Firefly - a TV show from 2004.
DOES THIS MAN NOT AGE?!? That's a gap of seventeen years, and yet he looks nowhere near 17 years older in Firefly than he was FMJ. I had to watch the credits of the movie, just to make sure it wasn't an older brothers who looked eerily reminiscent of him, but no, it was actually him. He was a little bit rounder in the face than he is in Firefly, but that's about it. Colour me shocked.
A Letter Meme: Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter. Afterwards, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
omphalos gave me the letter 'S'.
1) Simm, as in John Simm, as in the sexiest man on the planet (IMHO).
2) Sam Tyler - If it weren't for Donna Noble, who is beyond awesome, then you would be my favourite character of all time, my little flawed, emo stark-raving nutter (in a good way of course).
3) Slash - I can hear the cries of absolute shock reverberate through my f'list.
4) Smut - Again, shocking I know.
5) She's Lost Control - The song that made me fall in love with Joy Division.
6) Simon Pegg (and I can add Shaun of the Dead and Spaced under the 'S' umbrella as well).
7) Slits, The - My all time favourite all-female band. A little bit punk, a little bit reggae, and a little bit obscure, their song "Typical Girls" is fantastic.
8) Summer Glau
9) Swearing - I probably do it too much, but it just comes naturally to me.
10) Sleep - I can never get enough of it, particularly when I'm having one of my fits of insomnia.
And finally, I just ordered
Crime and Punishment from Amazon UK. SQUEE!!! So in ten or so days I get to finally see long-haired sexy John Simm as a sociopathic murderer with mother issues and delusions of self-importance. I can't wait, it's going to be awesome!