This is gonna be the best day (of my life) A celebration of an ending

Dec 31, 2017 10:02

It's the last day of 2017! It's already 2018 in Japan. I got to wish Miki a happy new year, I made sure to set an alarm on my phone so I wouldn't miss it! I get mixed up on times really easy so even though I had an alarm set I kept checking google to make sure I was right because I'm weird.

I've been a little tired and unmotivated to do things this weekend, I've been doing my best to keep myself going so I'm proud of that at least. I mostly spent yesterday accomplishing one small thing at a time and then eating a snack and laying in bed for a while, wash rinse repeat.

I'm hoping today will be a little better I'm going to try to keep myself going, I'm excited for Miki to be back and then my weekends will be extra fun again! It's easier to relax when she's around.

2017 the abridged series.

It was up and down as every year has been and probably will be, a lot of shit happened but a lot of good things happened. I'm thankful for the shitty things as much as the good things. I'll always hold on to the cliche that everything happens for a reason. Everything that happens leads to where I am and I'm excited for where I'm going. I wouldn't change it. I'm going to keep being me in 2018 but better (hopefully) I'll work harder, run faster, and love better! I'm learning to love myself more too and that's been a big thing for me this year. I'm going into 2018 with a much better relationship with myself and that's something I've wanted for a really long time.

I went to Pittsburgh for the first time and the second time, I quit my job, I job hunted for the first time in my life, I started a new job! I stopped talking to my Mom and took some needed time for myself, we've made up and our relationship is better than it's been in a long time. I made some selfish mistakes, but I learned from them. I have an amazing relationship with an amazing girl and it's growing and we're growing and I'm thankful for that every day. A relationship ended that I'm sad about, but I know it's for the best. It's been hard, but it'll get better. I've made a lot of new friends, I've met a lot of new people that I didn't think I'd care about but I do. I've gotten better at reaching out to friends, I'm a lot more social now than I was. I'm enjoying it. I've gotten better at decorating, I've also had one of the worst cake decorating days I hope to ever have in my life. I know there will be more days like those though, I'm ready. I saw Fall Out Boy in concert again, it was amazing. I got stuck in the Atlanta airport. I played in the snow. I had a really nice Holiday season despite everything. I did two 5k's this year.

I'm excited to make more memories this year! I'm going into 2018 swinging my fists! Which is maybe dangerous but I'm a danger noodle.

I started these yesterday so heres a couple more too

The Phoenix

Get out of my college classes for the day in the early spring late winter time. The weather was nice and I would run the bridge after class while I waited for Reagan to finish her last class. Things were good and I was enjoying running, I always got a little nervous before I'd run the bridge even though I did it every day, but I enjoyed it a lot. At the time I had different little characters with stories and I'd think about them and make up more little stories and it would also help distract me while I was running, I never wrote anything down. It was all just for my entertainment but it was fun.

You know time crawls on when you’re
Waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart

Twin Skeletons

A few years ago when I first started playing Phoenix Wright (I was late to the party as I am with most things). Every morning Reagan and I would ride to work together and she would drive and I would play some on the way. It was the last case in the second game which is the best and I was so into it. I remembered it was raining a lot at the time, I'm pretty sure it was raining every day on our way to work. I think it was cold out too but It's a little fuzzy. I remember this is when I got really into shipping Phoenix and Edgeworth and I turned into super trash and I would look up ship related things at work when I had some down time. I've only grown progressively more trashy since.

Keep making trouble 'til you find what you love
I need a new partner in crime and you shrug

Honorable Mention

Driving to my new job every day and feeling scared and uncertain and excited, singing really loud with this song while I drive. I just got back from Pittsburgh. It was an amazing trip and it was the best way to end one chapter of my life and start a new one. Even if I did get stuck in the Airport at the beginning of the trip. I'm so glad I was able to escape "Hotel Atlanta". I was so happy to see Miki as I finally landed and made my way through the Airport. I really can't wait to be back in Pittsburgh. It hasn't even been a year since it happened but it feels like forever ago, but also it feels like yesterday?

I served out my detention
And in the end I got an honorable mention
In the movie of my life
Starring you instead of me
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