OMG HI INTERNET!!! I am still alive and doing relatively well. I'm supposed to meet with my sponsor to start on my eighth step tomorrow but I am being lazy and not working on it right now. I will do it tomorrow at the last minute, the way I always do things.
OH SO HAY I ALMOST FORGOT! I HAVE PECS NOW! They are buried underneath my flabby fat-infested man boobies, but they're in there. For those of you who don't know, I used to weigh 320 and have lots of stretch marks, loose skin and fat left over from that shit. Current weight is 280ish, but I'm 6'3" so whatever. I've been going back and forth between being motivated, eating right and going to the gym and then getting all depressed and being like "WAA I WILL BE FLABBY FOREVER!" But I today I am motivated and happy so yay.
I jogged today for the first time EVAR! It was only for like 2-3 blocks at the end of a 40 minute walk, BUT STILL! JOGGING! WHODA THUNK ACIDFATKITTYFATFAT COULD JOG?!?! I didn't.
So yea, I'm doing well. Life isn't easy, but nobody ever said it would be. I'm sober, I've got a job, I've got some pretty good friends and I'm going to school. Not bad, huh?
P.S. Does anybody who reads my journal go to the Gold's Gym in Redmond, WA? I need a workout partner to motivate me and to spot me and stuff.
jameth and I had pho today. It was good.