Dec 24, 2003 15:40
{name}: Crystal
{nicknames}: I don't think I do..
{born in} Kentville, Nova Scotia
{resides in} Kingston, Nova Scotia
{good student}: I wouldn't say so.
{eyes}: green
{shoe size}: 9
Last time you........
{had a nightmare}: I don't remember...
{said "I love you" and meant it}: Last night
{ate at mcdonalds}: On the 16th
{dyed your hair}: probably a 6 months ago?
{brushed your hair}: this afternoon
{washed your hair}: This afternoon
{checked your e-mail}: a few days ago
(cried}: Don't remember
{called someone}: Ummm, probably my mom yesterday
{smiled}: Before Curtis left o.0
{laughed}: This afternoon
(talked to an ex}: I unno
Do you.....
{smoke?}: yeah
{do drugs?}: no
{sleep with stuffed animals?}: Curtis :P Nah, they always fall off the bed.
{have a dream that keeps coming back?}: When I was younger I had a dream... well maybe a nightmare that my brother was in my closet trying to kill me... sometimes I dream that dream over again.
{play an instrument?}: I used to play the piano
{believe there is life on other planets?}: Meh, there could be
{remember your first love?}: Even though I told Greg I loved him... I really doubt I did o.0 The way I felt about him is nothing compared to how I feel now. -- Yeah as corny as that sounded -_-
{still love him/her?}: o.0 no
{read the newspaper?}: Not usually
{consider love a mistake?}: Nope
{like the taste of alcohol?} Yeah
{pray?}: no
{go to church?}: no
{have any secrets?}: no
{have any pets?}: a dog named Bear
{talk to strangers who instant message you?}: Sometimes... but strangers don't really IM me
{wear hats?}: no
{have any piercings?}: my ears and a hole in my belly button
{have any tattoos?}: yeah
{hate your self?}: ocasionally
{have an obsession?}: Nah
{have a secret crush?}: No
{collect anything?}: Yep. cheap toys from those 25 cent machines.
{have a best friend?}: Curtis
{like your handwritting?}: no
{have any bad habits?}: smoking
{care about looks?}: Not really about mine. Give me a reason and I'll think about it..
{boy/girlfriends looks?}: No, he never looks bad
{friends and other peoples looks?}: Nah, they can look however they wanna look
{believe in witches}: I dunno
{believe in satan?}: I dunno
{believe in ghosts?}: Yep
{dress}: Um, a jacket... I never take my jacket off ><, greenish pants, a wine top and a bra and panties
{mood}: bored
{make-up}: foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, illuminator stuff, aaaaaand moisturizer
{music}: nothin
{taste}: turkey
{hair}: up and curly
(annoyance}: my mother!!!!!!!! ROAR! *pulls her voice box out*
{smell}: smoke
{thought}: Go to Davies... NOW
{book}: None
{fingernail color}: red and green :P Yeah. Don't laugh at me.
(refreshment}: nuthin
{worry}: that my parents wont go to davies ><
{crush}: no one
{fav celebrity}: Umm. I unno.
Last person.....
{you touched}: curtis
{you talked to}: my mom of course since she wont stop talking.
{you hugged}: curtis
{you IMed}: Nessa I think.
{you yelled at}: my mom
{you had a crush on}: Uhmmm... I forget.
{who broke your heart}: I think I broke it myself... not that I loved myself and then I stopped loving myself and broke up with myself. o.0
{you kissed}: curtis
Who do you want to....
{kill}: *shrug*
{slap}: No one
{tickle}: No one
{talk to}: Myself in a house with no one in it except for me and Bear!
{have sex with}: My husband
{be like}: I wanna be a cheerleader and be so super popular and suck old wrinkley man cock to get good grades and he can pull on my pigtails while I'm at it!.... I'm fine with myself.