Jul 26, 2004 19:01
Anyways, today went from, pretty poopy to TOTAL CRAP! First off I am shaving right, one thing you have to know is that I dun shave with like a conventional razor, I shave with a straight razor, well I started to shave, and my hand started shaking cuz of the meds I am taking. Well the shaking caused me to slice pretty good into the underside of my chin, I would say maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the blade went it. (It was a new blade so it was REALLY sharp) Well I get done with that, and start to get ready to leave, and my step mom comes in and starts raising hell, I mean she started throwing crap and all that good stuff. So finally me and my older brother leave, and then I find out that everyone is pissed at me and him...WHAT THE HELL!? Anyways that is not all of the poo, but I do not feel like going too indepth right now, so later.