(no subject)

Apr 03, 2010 09:50

I'm here at work, not doing a whole lot, except for
1. Think of the first person you kissed. Where do they live now?: No clue. He could be dead, seriously.
2. The first time you had sex, what time of day was it?: I think at night?
3. The first time you dyed your hair, who DIDN'T support your decision?: I've never dyed my hair an outrageous color because I wasn't allowed to when I was younger (and at Bed Bath and Beyond you can't have an unnatural color). So, since it's always been natural, no one has cared.
4. The first time you had a cavity, how old were you?: Umm when I was reallyyyy young. My dad used to let me eat candy ALL the time.
5. The first time you got a job, what month did you start?: No clue...
6. What was your first significant other's middle name?: I don't even know who I really count as my first significant other.
7. The first time you entered your current school, what was your impression?: I'm not in school.
8. What was the first impression you had of the last person you talked to?: I just talked to someone at work, and I don't know them.
9. The first time you got dumped, how long did it take for you to get over it?: I only recently was "dumped" for the first time. I guess it took a while because I was so pissed that he didn't even tell me he was breaking up with me, but just stopped talking to me.
10. The first time you got fired, what was the reason?: Haha always being absent, and then the final thing for them was that I clocked back in from lunch one minute late.
11. The first paycheck you ever got, how much did you make?: Probably not much.
12. The first time you got a piercing, where did you get it pierced (what place)?: Ears.
13. The first time you could go shopping for your own clothes instead of having your parents buy them, what store did you buy the most from?: Eh nothing really. Target probably lol.
14. The first car you had, what was it?: 1995 Dodge Neon.
15. The first time you failed a class, how did your parents react?: I've never actually failed, just come really close.
16. The first time you masturbated, how old were you?: Lmao, no clue?
17. The first time you chose the color for your room, what colors did you pick?: Haven't ever.
18. The first thing you did this morning?: Groaned and put my alarm for 10 more minutes.
19. The first person who comes to mind every morning?: Brady because I wake up next to him.
20. The first time you had a boyfriend, how old were you?: It was 8th grade but it was dumb shit.
21. ...and do you remember the date you started dating?: No.
22. Who was the first person to ever call you ugly and hurt your self-esteem?: No one, I think. If so, I don't remember.
23. The first time you developed your own sense of style, how old were you?: Sometime in 8th grade, although I still wouldn't say I have a sense of style lol.
24. What color hair did you have when you entered high school for the first time?: Brown.
25. The first time you moved, where did you move to?: Don't remember. We moved a lot when I was young.
26. The first time you kissed the last person you kissed, where and when did it happen?: At my old apartment on my couch, the night we met.
27. The first person you had sex with, were you dating them at the time?: Yes.
28. The first time you threw up this year, what was the reason?: I don't think I've thrown up at all this year, woo!
29. The first time you stayed home from school/work this year, what was the reason?: I thought I didn't work, but it turns out I did.
30. What's the first thing you do in the shower?: Wash my hair.
31. Have you ever won first place for anything? What was it?: No idea.
32. The first pet you had, what was their name?: Murray. (Kitty)
33. What's your first and earliest memory?: I don't know, it's hard for me to think clearly before kindergarten. (ditto)
34. How old were you when you got the first sex talk? And who was it from?: I never had a sex talk really. I mean I guess my sister told me that she was there for me if I needed to talk to her, but my parents never talked about that sort of thing.
35. The first time you broke a bone, who took you to the hospital?: Never broken a bone!
36. The first time you got detention, what was the reason?: Serena and I were late something like 50 times to our Spanish class in 8th grade.
37. The first time you took a bus to school, where was the bus stop?: A block my house.
38. The first time you took public transportation, where were you going?: I was in downtown Denver, going to light rail station.
39. The first time you took an airplane, who was with you?: I think I was alone.
40. The first time you took a train, what train station did you depart from?: Uh, I've taken the light rail, is that the same thing?
41. The first time someone admitted to liking you "like that", what was your reaction?: Cool!
42. The first time you became conscious of religion (ex. since 5 year olds can be called Jewish by their parents, even though they have no idea what it is and can't even comprehend it yet), how old were you and did you keep the religion your parents tried to bring you up in?: I don't know how old I was, but I've pretty much rejected religion since I've been aware of it. My parents are Catholic and both my sister and I are atheist.
43. The first time you tried smoking, who was with you?: Smoking weed? I was alone. Smoking cigarettes? I don't remember, I was probably fucked up.
44. The first time you tried drinking, what did you drink?: Something at Mary Ann's house in 8th grade. I don't know what. Her parents always had a ton of alcohol in their liquor cabinet.
45. The first time you tried drugs, what drug was it, and what effect did it have on you?: Weed.
46. The first time you fell in love, how old were you?: 17
47. Think of the first person you said "I love you" to. Did you actually love them?: Yeah.
48. The first time you did anything beyond making out, how old were you?: 17.
49. The first time you got your own cellphone, what was your reaction?: Nothing really. I mean I'm sure I was excited or something.
50. The first time you tried to make a recipe from scratch, how did it come out?: I make some pretty yummy things.
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