Acidexia reaches 1K. This is the future of writing.

Jun 04, 2012 18:21

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The rumors our true and the impossible has been made possible. Together we raised 1K to turn my travel memoir into a published book. When things get difficult and we feel like the mountain is too high to climb we must remember that there is always a backdoor entry. Through seemingly impossible circumstances I was able to crowdfund Acidexia and the fun is only now just beginning.

We surpassed the $100 level to turn this project into an ebook. We surpassed the $200 to go print on demand. We surpassed the $500 level to self publlish and we have now surpassed the $1000 level to print 100 copies. What next?

The transmedia revolution must be had whether we, the writers and outsiders of the 2012 digital stripmall, have the social marketing skills to turn our hearts and souls into a shiny multi-media package or not. We were previously told that if we were not filmmakers, graphic designers, webdesigners, marketing experts, & win-friends-and-influence-people all at once that we had no chance of getting our work out there. Happy future indeed.

Well I think it is time to prove these people wrong and I would like to take Acidexia to the next level. I would like to create Acidexia+ and defy the odds that are against this new Us. If we can raise $2500 I will use the money to create a transmedia project by hiring visual artists, filmmakers, musicians, and comic book artists. I want to make Acidexia a cultural revolution that defies a single artistic medium. I want this to be a project that you will never forget.

People once told me that my memoir was an On the Road of the future. Let us show generations to come what the future is about. This is the future of writing. We are the media too.

[Donate to the Acidexia Nation here]
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