Is Nietzsche a Religion?

Jun 15, 2011 23:39

I have always had a strong distaste for mysticism. How is mysticism any different from mainstream religion anyway? You take one person with a delusion and you call him or her a schizophrenic. You take a small group of people with a delusion and you call them a cult. You take a large group of people with a delusion and you call them a religion. Where does philosophy fall into the picture and how far can one get sucked into a reality tunnel of their own design? Is it possible to enter a wonderland or matrix and trap yourself in your own religious/mystic thinking? Spending a large portion of my life in occult social groups my answer would be yes.

After attending a pagan conference I decided to escape from my alterna-wonderland once and for all. There was too much mysticism at this conference and it freaked me out in a bad way. Going to this pagan event was like going to a church or temple mixed with Burning Man and I wanted to scream. The allergic reaction began only this time I couldn't blame the reaction on being allergic to pagans. That would have been mysticism. This was not a sign. There was no such thing as a sign. I realized I could no longer blame any of my bad luck on mysticism. All of those times I struggled? They had nothing to do with me being some powerful demon goddess. I was simply struggling.

There is an Experiment Haywire song called "Occult Casualty" which deals with the phenomena of being "stuck in your dark disneyland" and explains how many of us entered a journey we could not escape from. We became casualties of the occult and believed in various things that we couldn't prove because we had others around us (whether online, in person, or via art/philosophy/music) to validate our delusions. It's so easy to blame our bad luck on being goth. Let's just be honest here. Blaming our misfortunes on being part of a cursed few is just a juvenile coping mechanism.

When we have no scientific explanation for something we look to mysticism. Can't explain something with fact? Explain it with fiction. It's time to accept that we can't scientifically explain why bad things happen to some of us more than others. If you convince yourself that you are living a difficult life because you are a part of some dark mystic elite you are no better than someone who convinces themselves that they are going to heaven for condemning what is known as sin.

I don't believe that Nietzsche was a mystic but I do believe that he encouraged mysticism. The concept of the Übermensch is related to the next step of evolution but leaves no room for scientific fact. There is no Übermensch gene. I've never met Nietzsche in person but I would venture to say that he was reaching out to "the others" in a way. Is it possible that Crowley was doing the same thing? How about Evola? Grant Morrison? Or were these thinkers just pranksters? Quantum physicists creating new wonderlands for us to play in? Who really believed what they were writing and who was just doing it for the lulz? Does it even matter at this point? Exactly how blurry are the lines here? As long as I get to mention Evola and Grant Morrison in the same sentence I think enough heads will turn.

I don't see any difference between worshipping God, Santa Claus, Mother Gaia, or Cthullu. If you are a follower of Nietzsche, Crowley, Evola, Marilyn Manson, Boyd Rice, Grant Morrison, etc. you are doing it wrong. At the very least we can conclude that these thinkers found the majority of their followers to be no different from the idiotic masses they were protesting in their work. Nietzsche was a great writer who influenced me to the point of delusional mysticism. It is quite possible that he would have scoffed at me for this and I am scoffing at myself for it now. Why do industrial musicians hate their fans? It's definitely not as complex as this but I think it touches on the same issue. Or maybe this is giving industrial musicians too much credit. In reality industrial musicians hate their fans because they hate themselves and could not imagine anyone else enjoying their output.

I am seeing way too much mysticism here. I need to be clear about how we are not a new species in a biological sense. I'm trying to come up with a term besides Übermensch. I'm trying to invent a new subculture and give a more intelligent face to music in which less than nothing has become a masturbation product. Mysticism is very consumer-based in that once someone thinks it is cool the entire bandwagon will jump on. Let's not allow these forms of thought get in the way of quality or stunt the memetic gene pool. Let's take a step back and see if we have become casualties of the occult. Let's check our reality tunnels. Can we prove that they exist? If not then we probably shouldn't convince ourselves that they do so we can deal with our daily affairs. Chaos magic is not an excuse and it will come back to kick us in the ass. Not the chaos magic but those daily affairs we are using mysticism to cope with. Those daily affairs will remain until we have fixed them in a practical manner.

Let me save you from everything that I've been through.
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