Weyekin Project

Jun 08, 2013 03:36

the Weyekin is the spirit animal of the Nez Pierce Indians of Idaho. As a strong supported of the American Redoubt movement, of Idaho in general, and of the concept that when the US Government shows up, it is 100% GOING to fuck up your liberty, AND your shit, I feel this name is appropriate.

"To receive a weyekin, a young girl or boy around the age of 12 to 15 would go to the mountains on a vision quest. The person on quest would carry no weapons, eat no food, and drink very little water. The person about to go on this quest would be tutored by a "renowned warrior, hunter, or medicine man," for boys, or for girls, "an elderly woman of reputed power." Success had much to do with how they prepared their minds. Fasting for long periods of time, going without a fire, holding their spiritual retreat in a remote and "awe inspiring" location. It was important that the person on quest keep their mind focused on their object. When the mind was almost "comatose," that is when the weyekin would reveal itself."

What I have in mind is a week long course. it will cost a set, high but reasonable amount. Couple Grand. I'm aiming for $5000 or less.

This course will be 1 days worth of a information-rish E&E course such as the OnPoint Tactical course (described here http://www.itstactical.com/skillcom/escape-and-evasion-skillcom/escape-and-evade-in-an-urban-environment/). 2 Days worth of wilderness SERE/Survival course (of the type provided by Jeff Randalls ESEE school and Tom Browns Tracker Course), 1 Day of an intensive armorers course on the AR, then 3 days of balls-to-the-wall Gunfighting school. Focus will be: 1 day AR, 1 day AR+Pistol, 1 (long) day Pistol/Shotgun/Precision Rifle.

but lo : these courses will be divided like a school day, NOT like a training schedule. you will have to do a bit of each on EACH day. The course will run from Sunday to Saturday; the Sunday following it will be a bacchanal, campfire talk about HONOR and LIBERTY, a graduation ceremony.... and a build party.

The rifle will be of the 80% variety, but your name will be engraved on it. The basic layout will be basic, but proven. The cost of the rifle will have been very very carefully NOT included in the cost of the course. Every accommodation will have been made to make the rifle FREE. Should a student be from out of state, they will be asked if they'd like to add the cash to cover the (bare minimum) cost for a second 80% lower, to take with them, and we will provide a locked case that only they will have access to to allow them to complete an 80& lower at the build party, store it securely without transferring it or relinquishing control of it, and still be able to finish a rifle when they return home.

There is a project being spearheaded by someone else to start a mobile CNC mill venue to complete 80% lowers. They intend to be available "on-call" if groups are large enough. By allying myself with this agency as well as local organizations, such as Ares Armor Metal Works I plan make it so that students from other states can leave with their "rifle kits" and the knowledge from the build party and armorers course so they can have their off-book, totally legal rifle in any place in the United States, as WELL as having a gun they can use, at our facilities, should they ever wish to come back for more training, another event, or as a "fall-back" should times get real tough.

But much more to the point : I also intend to offer a lesser course, that will use (only very slightly) lesser components that will be entirely donation funded, that will include fri-sat of instruction, with the same Sunday but will be ENTIRELY free.

The paying members of the one week course will, in conjunction with donations, amortize the costs of the free attendees, and the courses themselves will be joint affairs, to minimize time taken by instructors and staff.

While providing an 80% lower and machining facilities does not REQUIRE a background check, I intend to run one anyway. The minor inconvenience seems a very reasonable hassle to undergo, considering the free rifle, and the training provided.

If we manage to ONLY offer enough slots so that the donations and paying member fees cover the free students, so as not to lose money, we should be able to continue this project indefinitely. I plan to structure the attendee list by "back-order" turning none away (who pass whatever background check I require). Because this is an entirely altruistic project, I WANT to ally myself with other outfits throughout the country to do similar things. If I can get groups and locations set up in other places using the same GENERAL course layout and ethos, I can eventually designate regions to those satellite groups, making these courses available to greater audiences. different organizers may even be able to provide the services for less.

I also feel that the intent and goal of this project with attract talented and revered names in the industry, which will help on several fronts :
1.) Attracting the attention of makers, I may be able to acquire parts for more rifles either free or at better cost. Perhaps even parts from higher end makers, like BAD safeties or cassette triggers like Timney or Geissle, or MagPul grips, or Mission First stocks. stuff like that.

2.) Getting the help of trainers to actually DO the training. I don't imagine this will be particularly difficult. this should allow the REALLY hard part to be covered purely out of the patriotic duty of people who have dedicated their life to this kind of work.

3.) One of the things I am excited about is sort of "averaging together" the basic rifleman ideals from several wellknown and respected trainers, yielding a template for all the affiliates to use, and finding the BEST POSSIBLE one-week course to make a "fighting fit" free citizen.

4.) By garnishing attention I should be able to source machine shops who are sympathetic to this kind of project, thereby allowing attendees from more states, and also aggregating a master list of places where alumni can take other and additional 80% lowers for future builds.

gettin juuuuust about too drunk to continue; I shall edit and continue late.....
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