My Life is Craziness.

Apr 14, 2009 15:26

Truly truly, my life is pure insanity. Not even the good kind that makes your brain explode all over the walls. I've been walking around for weeks in a stressed, numbed out haze. It was walking around at all moments feeling apprehensive and jittery. Today, at least for a few minutes, that lifted and I was self confident that I could do all my homework and that I could do it well to the best of my ability. I made my bed and now I have to lie in it. I picked up a bunch of absurd english classes and now I have to finish them, and then it's over. I am looking forward to that over part. I have so many more things I'd rather be doing. (Gardening, reading books I want to read, studying tarot, drinking, etc... )

Ah well, it's over soon. Wish me the best of luck on all of it. Mostly wish me an appropriate state of mind.
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