Jun 25, 2006 17:32
Steve (5:27:32 PM): I'm sorry to go back to an old topic, but I was just watching a video on PETA's site out of curiosity
Steve(5:27:38 PM): And they straight up lie
Steve(5:27:48 PM): Well, not lie
Me (5:27:50 PM): Humans do that
Steve (5:28:03 PM): Just make a brash assumption in a completely unscientific manner
Steve (5:28:25 PM): Who does that make sense to?
Steve (5:28:34 PM): I found our new test for retardation and insanity
Steve (5:28:43 PM): If you find PETA's conclusion there logical
Steve(5:28:47 PM): You are retarded and insane
Steve (5:29:19 PM): For christ sake, obviously medical information derived in animal experiments does equate to humans
Steve(5:29:35 PM): Without animal testing, medical technology would come to a standstill
Me(5:30:15 PM): Well I don't think it's fair to animals to lock them up in cages and test make-up on them
Steve (5:30:26 PM): That's different
Me (5:30:27 PM): but then again why do we need to test make-up and hair products?
Me (5:30:54 PM): And without animals testing we wouldn't have gotten Pinky and the Brain
Steve (5:31:03 PM): Hahaha
Steve(5:31:10 PM): But I think PETA handpicks their videos of testing
Me (5:31:12 PM): that Pinky is something else
Steve (5:31:23 PM): Well, obviously they do
Me (5:31:27 PM): So no Pinky?
Steve (5:31:53 PM): No Brain either
Me (5:31:56 PM): Fuck