(no subject)

Oct 16, 2008 17:58

In General News; the US Election seems to be heating up; now I havn't seen the latest debate but Everyone seems to be chalking up an Obama Victory for last nights; I am looking for a decent stream so I plan to poke BBC news after posting this; so To any american reading this - Vote, seriously whoever you support, vote or even if you hate both of them just abstain your ballot with a void cos then it still counts as a vote but go to your polling office and vote because it IS important.

10 things I could say to 10 different people right now

1 - Huzzah! My Lady
2 - well that is something I think would work far better if we did not try that again yes?
3 - because our schedules seem to conflict I've absolutely missed you loads!
4 - though I havn't seen you in years, I really hope your ok because last I heard from you, you were not in a great place
5 - make your own decisions and your own choices regardless of what other people tell you to do because we have to live with the concequences; remember  we always have a choice, sometimes the options suck but its still a choice. choose to try and be better than who you think you are.
6 - I hope your happy; I really, really do. I know you won't read this, but happiness wears well on you and I hope life has finnally given you a break because you of all people deserve it.
7 - you are family; no matter what happens between us, or whatever may come in the future; even when we fight and want to kill each other, or if we don't talk to each other for a long time;  you're still family and you are loved and you can always come to me.
8 - I am so very, very sorry, please forgive me for being such a damn idiot?
9 - You, me, a pub crawl, a hotel and a large bottle of Vodka, lets do that sometime, we keep saying we will but lets just do it.
10 - you, are a heck of a lot stonger than you think you are, you need to believe more in your own strength, because others do
11 - if I poke you when you go silent; it is not out of trying to be annoying, its out of concern; if you don't want to chat just say '"hey I don't want to talk right now" and that'll be the end of it, there is no need to be defensive of that or ashamed of it as long as your upfront about it.

9 things about myself
1 - I lost myself for a long time and I wasn't sure where or who I was anymore, stuck between someone I was and someone I wanted to be and I wasn't sure if I wanted to be that person anymore.
2 - I often don't mean to offend anyone, but I overcompensate a LOT for my own insecurities, this is a defense mechanism
3 - bating is a personel pet hate of mine, when people will bring something up then when asked more about it get all evasive, this seriously pisses me off, if you don't want to talk about something, or explain further don't bring it up at all k?
4 - 98% of the time, I am not a serious person,
5 - sometimes I wish I was someone else, because sometimes I am just not happy with who I am.
6 - I do not write happy stories :P
7 - there are times when I've hated the choices I've had to make; even though they were not really choices at all, because the options sucked
8 - if I ask you "how you are" I really do want to know how you are and am genuinely interested even if you've had a bad day
9 - I'm really good at listening to people, I have good ears.
10 - I seem to be able to offer advice to help everyone but myself
11 - even if I hate one of your friends, I will at least make an effort to be pleasent to them when your round out of respect to you and will resepct you even if you like that person even if I think they're a weasel.
12 - I do not believe in Karma anymore.

8 ways to win my heart
1 - Be honest
2 - Be Funny, or at least make me laugh
3 - Be well read, well, read at all really - just read
4 - at least make an effort to make me feel like my feelings matter, even if you don't feel the same.
5 - If you disagree with me then tell me so and then move on, don't pretend just to shut me up
6 - If I piss you off then agian, tell me and tell me why and how I pissed you off so I can try and fix it or at least avoid making the same mistake in future don't just quietly stew and get pissy or use the "If you don't know I'm not going to tell you!" thing
7 - be able to talk to me about anything and everything for hours from the spiritually deep to the completely insane to just plane stupid, but above all just be able to converse.
8 - don't judge me, seriously I know it sounds silly but I know I am not a perfect person and I am certainly not the best person at times but I do try to be at least a good person

7 things that cross my mind alot
1 - Am I alive?
2 - What do I have to do tomorow?
3 - How can I make this idea work
4 - Ok so where the fuck am I supposed to go from here?!
5 -
6 - I really need to get more money
7 - How the hell am I supposed to get experiance if I don't get a chance?

6 Things I do before I fall asleep
1 - Snack usually
2 - use the bathroom
3 - check email/IM one last time
4 - Strip
5 - Think
6 - Relax

5 People who mean alot to me
Goodness er..a long list , mostly family by blood and family by asociation. I couldn't posably limit that down to just five people but those of you read this should deffinetly know who you are and if you don't I'd be seriously surprised

4 things I am wearing right now
1 - Jumper
2 - T-Shirt
3 - Trousers
4 - underwear & Socks

3 songs I listen to alot
1 - Imogen Heap - My Sweet little Religion
2 - Hanna Pakarinen - Black Ice
3 - Linkin Park - What I've Done

2 things I want to do before I die
1 - Travel to the US
2 - Skydive

1 Confession
even though I know there are people that care about me; there are times when I feel alone in the universe


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