(no subject)

May 25, 2008 20:51

Bloody hell; is this seriously what we've come down to This is considered newsworthy? is this really worthy of police time?

I mean sure its illegal but is this really worth police time when there other bigger crimes going on?. I mean seriously with Islamic jihadi's on our own soil; Yob Culture, a new cold war with the Russians thanks to the Shrubs sheer lack of ability to make any meaninful compromise, the governments complete lack of ability to hold onto our personel data for five minute without losing it and our beloved prime ministers future plans to further rape us in the arse and THIS is what we're dedicated news time to really?

Especially when we consider the news that Karl "Turdblossom" Rove being summoned by congress under speana and threat of contempt chages if he dosn't show up; one of the biggest stories to come out of america about the corupt moronachy in the last six montsh goes completely unnoticed! but someone flashes there (Probably small) todger at a old biddy! and OMFG Call out the armed police! Call out the K9's! Call out the Police Chopper! Quick put it on the five o'clock news! I bet that poor guy has a slimer chance of survival than an unarmed Brazilian Electrician on the London underground.
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